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Dear Brothers and Friends, You are most cordially and fraternally invited to attend the following Communications of Wantagh Chapter #1986, Order of DeMolay, to be held at the Bellmore Masonic Hall, 1 Square Place, Bellmore, N.Y.
1113th STATED COMMUNICATION MONDAY, November 11, 2002 at 7:00 P.M.
Advisors Meeting 7:00PM Business MeetingProspect Party
1114th STATED COMMUNICATION MONDAY, November 25, 2002 at 8:00 P.M.
Business MeetingFirst Degree
Chris Kitchell Dad Bill Kitchell Master Councilor Chapter Dad
Meetings start at 8:00 P.M. Please be there by 7:30 P.M. If you cannot attend a meeting, you must call the Master Councilor by 7:00 P.M.
From the East Dear brethren, this is my first meeting notice as master councilor. On Monday November 11 is our prospect party. So bring down a friend or 2 or 3. We are also having a games night. If you have and can bring down either a TV or a video game console and games please call me so I know how many we will have. If we don’t have any then we wont have a prospect party. If you can bring one or the other or both please call me. So we have time to play the games the meeting will start at 7 sharp. So that means be there at 6:30. Also on the 24th is metro bowl. Bring the money, which is $10.00 so we can make teams. From The West Hi all! I hope you are all enjoying Chris' term so far. I would first like to say that no one is bringing in any names for investigation. We need new members! DeMolay can't survive without bolstering its ranks with more members. Next meeting bring in names of your friends that you think would be interested in joining. Remember we need any guys from age 12-21! Secondly, it is saddening that the message board is not being used. Anyway, at the next meeting we will be having a prospect party. Talk with Chris for more details. From The South Brothers start to study your parts for the first degree for our second meeting in November. The office you were installed as will be your part for the first degree. The parts for the second degree will be given out soon. If you know a part or would like to do a certain part let me know. If you have not said your obligations yet you should be studying them also.
Date to Remember Nov. 11, Wantagh Chapter Meeting, Prospect Party Nov. 24, Metro Bowling 3pm Baldwin lanes Nov. 25, Wantagh Chapter Meeting,
P.S. If you have an e-mail address that you would
like to have added to the Chapter address list please e-mail me at cozinbrucy@aol.com.
In subject put Wantagh chapter.
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