Meeting Notice Click Here to
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Dear Brothers and Friends:
You are most cordially and fraternally invited to attend the following Communications of Wantagh Chapter #1986, Order of DeMolay, to be held at the Baldwin Masonic Hall, Prospect Street, Baldwin, NY 11510
MONDAY Feb. 13, 2006 at 8:00PM 7:00PM Advisor Meeting Business Meeting Second Degree William Kitchell Dad Bill Kitchell Master Councilor Chapter Dad
Meetings start at 8:00 P.M. Please be there by 7:30 P.M. If
you can't attend a meeting, you must call the Master
Councilor by 7:00P.M.
From the East
I trust that everyone is doing well. I would like to extend
wishes of good luck to Brothers Nathaniel Liberty and Kevin
Morrison for they are back at college for their spring
semesters. Good luck guys, lets see some good grades OK. On
a personal note, on Tuesday night January 24th, I followed
in the footsteps of my grandfather and father, as well as
many other senior DeMolay’s before me and became a mason. I
had the joy of being able to join Wantagh Morton Lodge, who
besides being one of our sponsoring bodies, is a lodge that
has been in my family for a long time. Nevertheless, I will
not bore you with that stuff, so thus it is time to get down
the business of this communication.
On Monday night, January 9th we did our first degree. I
would like to congratulate you guys on some nice ritual
work. All though we did not have a candidate we still needed
to do them, as stated previously in last months notice. Our
second degree is on Monday, February 13th. The junior
councilor will be in touch with everyone to be sure everyone
is aware of what they're doing. I would like to see the
ritual for this degree done with more effort than last.
Although our ritual for the 1st was good, we all could have
put just a bit more effort into learning our parts. If you
are unsure of your part or need help just call a brother we
are all here to help each other whenever we need it, so do
not be hesitant to ask.
That is everything I am going to discuss this communication.
If there is anything you would like to see us do for an
activity either outside of a meeting or after a meeting,
bring it up at a meeting or shoot me an email:, if you cannot wait until the next
meeting. If it is really urgent you can call me. So until
next time, keep working on that ritual.
From The West Midterms/finals finally over? Hope everyone did well. Will's term ends in about two months. The installation is most likely going to be Monday, the meeting night, in April. But that is no definite. There's still about a month left that you guys have to tell me what YOU want to do. Not all my ideas everyone will enjoy, so please, this is your last chance to tell me what you'd prefer to do. Also, parts/committees. Which part do you want? Most people think that committees don't matter, but they do. If you would like to be on a particular one, please tell me. There's several ways to contact me, either through AIM, E-mail ( Xfire. From The South Greetings. Next meeting we will be performing the 2nd degree. I put the Parts in Decembers meeting notice but I'll post them again. 2nd Degree Master Inquisitor-Nick Testut Senior Inquisitor-George Brandt Junior Inquisitor-Chris Kitchell Jaques DeMolay-Greg Kozlowski Guy of Auvergne-Ricky Kozlowski Marshal of the Commission-Nathaniel Liberty Senior Guard-Chris Dore Lord Constable-Will Kitchell Orator-Kevin Morrison Hughes De Paro- Michael Brandt Guard-Nathaniel Ahlers Date to Remember Feb. 3/5 Winterfest, Glenns Falls, NY Feb. 10, Ice Skating, Newbridge 8PM You can bring prospects Feb. 13, Wantagh Chapter Meeting Second Degree
Mar. 13, Wantagh Chapter Meeting, Elections
Apl. 10, Wantagh Chapter Installation
This publication acknowledges authority and yields allegiance to
DeMolay International, Order of DeMolay of which Frank S. Land
was the founder.