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Dear Brothers and Friends, You are most cordially and fraternally invited to attend the following Communications of Wantagh Chapter #1986, Order of DeMolay, to be held at the Bellmore Masonic Hall, 1 Square Place, Bellmore, N.Y.
1129 STATED COMMUNICATION MONDAY, September 8, 2003 at 8:00PM.
Advisors Meeting 7:00PM Business Meeting Election of Officers
1130 STATED COMMUNICATION MONDAY, September 22, 2003 at 8:00 P.M.
Business Meeting Advance Night
Kevin Morrison Dad Bill Kitchell Master Councilor Chapter Dad
Meetings start at 8:00 P.M. Please be there by 7:30 P.M. If you can’t attend a meeting, you must call the Master Councilor by 7:00P.M.
From the East Greetings, my Brothers. Since you all know who I am, I feel it is not necessary to put in that inane statement of my name. So, how are you all feeling? It's been a great summer, hasn't it? We accomplished a whole lot these past few months. We had a successful car wash fundraiser, a great day out at Six Flags, a pool party graciously hosted by Bro. Shawn Verma's family, and a blisteringly fun day at the Beach with Tim Brandt's family at their Cabana. I hope you all come prepared to give a report on these events at our first meeting on the 8th of September. Speaking of the first meeting, we are going to have elections that day. That means if anyone who wants to run for Junior Councilor's position and doesn't have their Obligations done, must inform me so that we can arrange for you to give your Obligation at the beginning of the meeting, thus allowing you to run for the position. On September 22nd, the second meeting of the month, we will be having Advance night where everyone will be in their new office for the next term. This means that you have to let Sean know what office you would like the night of election. You should start studying your new office ritual part so you will know it for this meeting. As some of you may know, Region II is having their annual Mid-Atlantic Tournament of Champions. It is a major Ritual Competition that I believe three brothers from our Chapter are attending. Installation will be Oct. 19 and we will be doing a, Cross of Honor Investiture for Dad Kitchell. He is being honored with this award because of all the hard work and effort he has put into our chapter and into the organization itself. He greatly deserves it and we should all be proud of him. That's all, folks. This is your cuddly Master Councilor signing off.
From The West Hello Brothers. Summer is almost over and a new school year is starting. But even though summer is almost over, we will still have fun. We have our installation coming, so anyone wanting to run to become a councilor must do their obligations soon. I hope everyone enjoyed their summers as much as I did and I also hope everyone enjoys their first day of school. Now lets get back to work and have another successful year of DeMolay.
(No Notice Received)
Date to Remember
Sept. 8, Chapter Meeting, Election of Officers Sept. 22, Chapter Meeting, Advancement Night Sept. 28, Sunrise Triangle Dinner, Baldwin Oct. 19, Wantagh Chapter Installation & Cross of Honor 3:00PM Dec. 13, Bro. Jeph Dais Chev. at Knickerbocker 4PM March 13, Metro Division Ball
P.S. If you have an e-mail address that you would
like to have added to the Chapter address list please e-mail me at cozinbrucy@aol.com.
In subject put Wantagh chapter.
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