Meeting Notice Click Here to
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Dear Brothers and Friends,
MONDAY, May 10, 2004 at 7:30PM.
Advisors Meeting 7:00PM
Business Meeting Mothers Degree Majority Degree 1146 STATED COMMUNICATION MONDAY, May 24, 2004 at 8:00 P.M.
Business Meeting
First Degree
Nick Testut Dad Bill
Master Councilor Chapter Dad
Meetings start at 8:00 P.M. Please be there by 7:30 P.M. If you can't attend a meeting, you must call the Master Councilor by 7:00P.M.
From The East
Hey guys it is Nick from the East. I just want to ask everyone to try to bring in new members, without them the chapter will fall apart. I have emailed everyone the Mothers degree if you have not received one in your email please notify me by either calling me or emailing me at The next meeting will be a Majority Degree for all Senior DeMolay over the age of 21 who haven't received one. Next meeting will also be a Mothers degree. The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. so try to get there around 7:00 to set up and get ready. That is all for now see you next meeting.
From The West
Greetings brethren. Last meeting we had a prospect degree, the Ceremony of Light, and video games afterward. The only downside to this was the fact that we only had 1 prospect. Again... We need more members. Kids you see at school, at church or just your friends, give them DeMolay brochures or DeMolay disks and invite them down to meetings. Just get me their name, phone # and address and I'll send them a letter followed by a phone call, A.K.A the "4 by 4" plan it works. Come on guys, we really need the members. Do what ever it takes. Chop chop. From The South Hail Brethren,
Date to Remember
May 7-9, Sports Weekend & ISC Dinner
P.S. If you have an e-mail address that you would
like to have added to the Chapter address list please e-mail me at
In subject put Wantagh chapter.
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