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Brothers and Friends, You are most cordially and fraternally invited to attend the following Communications of Wantagh Chapter #1986, Order of DeMolay, to be held at the Bellmore Masonic Hall, 1 Square Place, Bellmore, N.Y. 1105th STATED COMMUNICATION Advisors
Meeting Business
Stop & Go 1106th STATED COMMUNICATION Business Meeting
Dad Bill Kitchell
Master Councilor
Chapter Dad
start at Please
be there by If
you cannot attend a meeting, you must call the
Master Councilor by
From the East I would like to thank you all for this chance to be your Master Counselor and lead Wantagh Chapter for the next six months. Now down to business. First off the next meeting will be on May 13. At this meeting we will be performing a Mothers Tribute for the mothers of the chapter. I ask everyone to bring your mothers, sister, aunt, and grandmother to see this beautiful and touching ceremony. The next mothers’ tribute is on May 8, at Valley
Stream Lodge. Everyone who has a part is expected to have it memorized.
Anyone who has a problem please talk to me ASAP. The last thing I would
like to bore you with is convention and ritual. During this upcoming
convention brother Nels Solberg will be installed as State Master
Counselor. We all should be there to help and support Brother Sloberg.
Also at convention our chapter is doing the DeMolay Degree. Most of you
already have parts, if you don’t come see me. Convention is $150,
however there are ways to reduce the fee. You can sell ads for the
journal. One of my main goals this term is to improve our ritual work. I
plan on working very closely with the JC and ritual adviser, and Chapter
Dad to improve our ritual. I know that with a little work we can go a long
way. Thanks you and have a good month. From The West Hi everyone. This is the start of a new term. That
means a new clean slate. The installation went very well. Our first
meeting did also. I’m am in charge of membership this term so if any
boys have a prospect tell me and give the petition to Nels. See you all
next meeting
From The
South So, how is everyone? This being my first Meeting Notice address, I will try to keep this brief. First of all, I want to congratulate everyone on a great Installation of Officers. Everything went well including our present Master Councilor’s (Greg) speech. Also, we had a Mother’s Degree on April 23 last month. Everything went fine except for the fact we needed to use our scripts. There will be three more Mother’s Degrees this month. The next one is on May 8. The last two take place on May 28 and May 31. So, study, study, study your Mother’s Degree work. Furthermore, I hope all the new guys are continuing to work on their obligations. Nick Testut and Shawn Verma have already done at least the first one. Let’s give them a hearty congratulation. Great job everyone and keep memorizing!
to Remember May 3-5, Athletics Weekend, May 08, Mothers Degree at May 13, Chapter Meeting May 27, Parde in May 27, Chapter Meeting May 28, Mothers Degree at Midwood, May 31, Mothers Degree at RVC
P.S. If you have an e-mail address that you would
like to have added to the Chapter address list please e-mail me at cozinbrucy@aol.com.
In subject put Wantagh chapter.
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