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Meeting Notice Click Here to
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Dear Brothers and
Advisors Meeting 7:00PM
Shawn Verma
Dad Bill
Kitchell Meetings start at 8:00 P.M. Please be there by 7:30 P.M. If you can't attend a meeting, you must call the Master Councilor by 7:00P.M. From the East (No Address Submitted)
Greetings from the South. I hope all of you that haven't done your obligations yet, will do them soon. Elections are very soon and so far no one can even run for Junior Councilor so GET THEM DONE. Well, that's all from the south, see you all at Winterfest.
Date to Remember
Feb. 6-8, Winterfest,
Glens Falls
This publication
acknowledges authority and yields allegiance to DeMolay
International, Order of DeMolay of which Frank S. Land was the
P.S. If you have an e-mail address that you would
like to have added to the Chapter address list please e-mail me at cozinbrucy@aol.com.
In subject put Wantagh chapter.
This publication acknowledges authority and
yields allegiance to the |