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Meeting Notice Click Here to
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Dear Brothers and Friends,
You are most cordially and fraternally invited to attend the following Communications of Wantagh Chapter #1986, Order of DeMolay, to be held at the Bellmore Masonic Hall, 1 Square Place, Bellmore, N.Y. 1135 STATED COMMUNICATION
Advisors Meeting 7:00PM 1136 STATED COMMUNICATION
Business Meeting
Shawn Verma
Dad Bill Kitchell
Master Councilor Chapter Dad
a meeting, you must call the Master Councilor by 7:00P.M.
My Brothers, Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving. I know I did. The First Degree went OK but lets do an amazing job on our second degree. Don't wait until the last day, because you won't get it done. Also, Winterfest is coming up so get your forms in for that so you will definitely have a room for the event. Also, in addition to the second degree, we are having a names night, so next time, we will have some prospects to do it in front of. And, just so you know, we will be doing the degrees again January 12th and January 26th. And, we are having a bowl-a-thon and a Safety First fundraiser to get some money into our chapter. We have a lot of stuff to do, let's get it done and watch our chapter prosper. That's all from the East, see you at the meeting. Don't forget a grab bag (between $5-$10) for the holiday party the 22nd. Remember if you don't bring one you don't get one. From The West Hi brothers it is Nick from the West. I would like to congratulate the guys on a good First Degree. I'm very thankful to see that everyone is trying to bring in new members for the chapter, and I just want to emphasize that it is very important to bring in new members so we can have new people to keep the chapter running. I would like it if all the guys could think of ideas for fundraising so we can raise money for the chapter. Don't forget to talk to your friends about DeMolay and afterwards give them the DeMolay CD's that were handed out at the first meeting of the new term so they can see what DeMolay is like From The South Greetings from the South. The first meeting of the month, we are doing the DeMolay Degree. Hope you have all been studying your parts. Now, unfortunately, we're doing a mock degree. We need members. A lot of the older guys are reaching majority soon and we need new members to replace them plus some, so that the chapter will grow. Otherwise the chapter will be almost cut in half. Also all that haven't done their obligations yet do them so that you can vote and run for JC next elections. 2nd Degree- MI-Greg, SI-Nick, JI-Kevin K., Mar of Com.-Chris, SrG-Nat PG-PJ, JD-Shawn, GA- Willie, GG-Tim, HP-Ricky, Orator Kevin K, LC-George,
Have a Happy
Holiday & Happy New Year
Date to Remember
Dec. 07, Metro Degree's at Floral Park Temple at 2:00PM Dec. 08, Wantagh Chapter Meeting, Second Degree Dec. 13, Bro. Jeph Dais Chev. at Knickerbocker 4PM Dec. 14, Sunrise Triangle Pancake Breakfast, Baldwin, 10am-1pm Dec. 22, Wantagh Chapter Meeting, Holiday Party Feb. 6-8, Winterfest, Glens Falls March 13, Metro Division Ball
P.S. If you have an e-mail address that you would
like to have added to the Chapter address list please e-mail me at cozinbrucy@aol.com.
In subject put Wantagh chapter.
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