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Dear Brothers and Friends, You are most cordially and fraternally invited to attend the following Communications of Wantagh Chapter #1986, Order of DeMolay, to be held at the Bellmore Masonic Hall, 1 Square Place, Bellmore, N.Y.
1115th STATED COMMUNICATION MONDAY, December 9, 2002 at 7:00 P.M.
Advisors Meeting 7:00PM Business MeetingSecond Degree
1116th STATED COMMUNICATION MONDAY, December 23, 2002 at 8:00 P.M.
Business MeetingHoliday Party
Chris Kitchell Dad Bill Kitchell Master Councilor Chapter Dad
Meetings start at 8:00 P.M. Please be there by 7:30 P.M. If you cannot attend a meeting, you must call the Master Councilor by 7:00 P.M. From the East Dear brethren, I hope that the first degree went well, and hopefully Nat got a lot out of it. Sorry I could not be there but unfortunately. I got a sinus infection. Next meeting is our second degree so everyone has to wear shorts and a tee shirt under their suit. Also I ask that everyone brings a can good or two and I am going to donate them to a shelter. Also the meeting after that on the 23rd is our holiday party. We are having a grab bag. So everyone bring a gift. Don’t spend over $15. On November 24th was Metro bowl. We had about 10 guys there. It was a lot of fun. I am planning a movie night for the Christmas vacation. I will announce the movie and time at our next meeting. From The West Let me first say, that I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with lots o’ turkey and stuffing. Secondly, let me say that for some of you Hanukah is already upon you, or by the time you receive this letter, it has past. Others are still awaiting the coming of that jolly Saint Nicholas or Christmas. Enjoy the holidays everyone and make sure you are safe. I hope you are all working hard to do your part to bring in more members to Wantagh Chapter. So, why not invite some of your friends down to enjoy the spirit of the Holidays at our Holiday after meeting events. I am sure Chris knows everything you might want to know about the Holiday party after the meeting, so talk to him. But, please if you have any questions regarding membership, or if you just wish to talk, send me an email, talk to me, or call me up. My number is on the back of this notice so don’t feel shy if you want to talk.. From The South
Date to Remember Dec. 9th Wantagh Second Degree Dec. 15, Sunrise Triangle Pancake Breakfast, Baldwin 10am to 1pm Dec. 23, Wantagh Holiday Party Dec. 26, Sunrise Triangle Holiday Party Feb.9, Wantagh Chapters Dinner Dance
P.S. If you have an e-mail address that you would
like to have added to the Chapter address list please e-mail me at cozinbrucy@aol.com.
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