Meeting Notice Click Here to
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Dear Brothers and Friends,
MONDAY, April 12, 2004 at 8:00PM.
Advisors Meeting 7:00PM
Business Meeting Stop & Go Night
MONDAY, April 26, 2004 at 8:00 P.M. Business Meeting Prospect Party- Presentation
Nick Testut Dad Bill
Master Councilor Chapter Dad
Meetings start at 8:00 P.M. Please be there by 7:30 P.M. If you can't attend a meeting, you must call the Master Councilor by 7:00P.M.
From The East
(No notice submitted)
From The West
Greetings from the West. Last meeting was names night and I did not get any names at all. WE NEED MEMBERS. If you have a friend, just get their full name, phone number, address and give it to me. I then send them a letter and give them a phone call to see if they are interested. Also, give them the CD's, and the DeMolay brochures you all got. Get those petitions in, we really need members. From The South (No Notice Submitted)
Date to Remember
April 04, Sunrise Triangle Installation, Baldwin
April 12, Wantagh Chapter Meeting 8PM
April 17, Knickerbocker Installation 2PM
April 18, CW Taylor Installation Smithtown 4PM April 23, Truth Triangle Installation, 8PM April 26, Wantagh Chapter Meeting 8PM May 7-9, Sports Weekend & ISC Dinner May 23, Metro Division Day at Shea 2PM game
P.S. If you have an e-mail address that you would
like to have added to the Chapter address list please e-mail me at cozinbrucy@aol.com.
In subject put Wantagh chapter.
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