Meeting Notice

UPDATE:  We have this month's Meeting Notice Posted now, so enjoy.


Click Here to go to index of Past Meeting Notices.


For a Word Document of this Notice click here. 



Dear Brothers and Friends,

   You are most cordially and fraternally invited to attend the following Communications of Wantagh Chapter #1986, Order of DeMolay, to be held at the Bellmore Masonic Hall, 1 Square Place, Bellmore, N.Y.


MONDAY, April 8, 2002 at 8:00 P.M.

Advisors Meeting 7:00PM

Business Meeting



MONDAY, April 22, 2002 at 8:00 P.M.

Business Meeting 

Stop & Go 

                Willie Kitchell                                          Dad Bill Kitchell

            Master Councilor                                          Chapter Dad



From the East

To My Fellow Brethren,

                Wow! This Term sure went fast! We have done a lot together and hope that what we did you enjoyed. If there is anything else that you would like to see done as a Chapter activity, just ask Greg. But before my term is up we still have one last thing. Can you guess what it is? If you said the Toga Party you are correct!

             April means one thing, ‘Toga Time’ I hope that all will attend and join us in having a great time, while mingling with friends. The raffle sales are moving but we still need to keep selling, remember we are in the hole because of the costs for the dance, so the more we sell; the more we make!

             For the dance it is cheaper to show up in Toga then not to, but if you would like to save yourself from being asked for an additional $3.00 at the door; you can just purchase a $10.00 ticket in advance. That is another thing that I have not been given a lot of is money for the reservations. You can pay at the door, but if at all possible we would like to collect most of the money before hand. If you have not made a reservation yet, do not worry there is still time; you can reach me at (omitted) to make a reservation. To my Brothers, this is an ample time to bring down those “friends” of yours that you said had interests in joining. Even if they do not have any interests yet bring them down maybe the will change their minds when they see what fun activities DeMolay does, and what a fun group Wantagh Chapter #1986 is to belong to!

                So this being my last communication, I hope all of you come to the Toga Party and to Greg’s installation. I also hope that you all give the same support to Greg as you have given to me during these past 6 months. Thank you to everyone, and especially my dad, if it was not for him, I feel that I would not have done as good a job as master councilor as I did, so this is to you Dad. Thanks a lot for all your support, work in helping and supporting this Chapter and myself during the past 6 months.

Fraternally Yours,

William Kitchell

                From The South

Dear brethren this is our last month of the term and I just wanted to say we all did a very good job. I hope to see you all when I am senior counselor. Have a good spring break all. See you at our next meeting.



Date to Remember

April 7, Masonic Bowling, Baldwin 2:00PM

April 8, Wantagh meeting

April 14, Wantagh Toga Party, Bellmore, NY

April 19, Truth Triangle Installation 8:00PM

April 21, Wantagh Installation, Bellmore

April 22, Wantagh meeting

April 23, Mothers Degree at RVC

April 26, Grand Matron’s reception 8:00PM RVC

April 27, Meridian Triangle Installation 3:00PM

April 28, Sunrise Triangle Installation, Baldwin 2:30PM

May 3-5, Athletics Weekend, Utica, NY

May 08, Mothers Degree at Valley Stream

May 28, Mothers Degree at Midwood, Brooklyn

May 31, Mothers Degree at RVC


P.S. If you have an e-mail address that you would like to have added to the Chapter address list please e-mail me at In subject put Wantagh chapter.




 Meetings start at 8:00 P.M.

Please be there by 7:30 P.M.

If you cannot attend a meeting, you must call

the  Master Councilor by 7:00 P.M.

This publication acknowledges authority and yields allegiance to the
International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay of which Frank S. Land was the founder.