Meeting Notice Click Here to
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Dear Brothers and Friends,
You are most cordially and fraternally invited to attend the following Communications of Wantagh Chapter #1986, Order of DeMolay, to be held at the Baldwin Masonic Hall, Prospect Street, Baldwin, NY 11510
MONDAY Jan. 9, 2006 at 8:00PM 7:00PM Advisor Meeting Business Meeting Names Night William
Kitchell Dad Bill Kitchell
Meetings start at 8:00 P.M. Please be there by 7:30 P.M. If you
can’t attend a meeting, you must call the Master Councilor by
From the East
To my fellow brethren,
I hope that everyone had a happy holiday as well as a good New Year’s. I know I enjoyed myself, and in turn hope that yours was just as good. On a personal note, I [your Master Councilor] turned the big 21 on January 4th. Normally that would mean I would be a senior DeMolay. However, because I was installed as MC before my Majority, I will remain an “Active DeMolay” until our next installation, at which point I will no longer be MC or an “Active DeMolay” With that said, down to business. Our degrees are rapidly approaching. As a matter of fact they are next meeting, January 9th. I hope everyone has been studying so you are sure you know your lines. We however, do not have any candidates; this is a problem. We shall be doing the degrees nonetheless for a twofold reason. One so that it is a good ritual practice for next time, and two because to qualify for the Chapter of Excellence Program [which we participate in], we need to hold them at least once. I am not going to beat this into your heads over and over, but we really need to try and get out there and get some new blood to refill our lines. I realize it is not easy, all I am asking is for us to try, if you are having trouble getting started or “sealing the deal” let someone know this way we might be able to work with you and help you out. For our second meeting, I was thinking of a possible fun night. I am torn between a night at the Movies or a Bowling night. I will be in touch with everyone at a later date about that. Just a reminder if you plan on attending Winterfest, Dad Kitchell asks that you have your forms and money at the next meeting. The forms are available online @, & are a PDF type download. We ask for you to be prompt with the forms for they are due before we meet again.
From The West
I hope you all had a nice holiday break. Time off of school and/or work is always fun. Of course, as the membership councilor, I must press on you guys to reach out to others. At the next councilor meeting I plan to suggest a few ideas and spin off a few that are out there in hopes to get some new guys down. Also, my term is rapidly coming up. I only have about three months left to plan my term out before I must introduce it to the advisors. Help me come up with exciting new ideas to help draw back some of the older members that grew bored, and to get some new guys. Lastly, I'm going to begin calling some of the older members and try to figure out what we're doing wrong. I wish you guys would call some of those members also. They are still members, we just need to draw them back. From The South
Hello from the South. Hope you all had a great holiday, but it's
time to get back to business. This Monday, the 9th, we will be
conducting the Initiatory Degree. Parts were in the last meeting
notice so you all should know them. The DeMolay Degree will be
held during the next meeting. Not a whole lot else so Study Up!
Date to Remember
Jan. 9, Wantagh Chapter Meeting, Baldwin Jan. 23, Wantagh Chapter Activity Feb. 3-5, Winterfest, Glenns Falls, NY Feb. 13, Wantagh Chapter Meeting
As many of you know the chapter needs new members. Some of you know about the 4X4 membership program and we need to use that program to get members, but for it to work we need names, addresses and phone numbers. I'm sure each of you know a boy 12-16 that might enjoy DeMolay. Even if you haven't talked to them about DeMolay, bring there names to the next meeting. The names that you give us are the first step to building the chapter. You are the foundation of the chapter and upon you we can build the chapter back up. Each name you bring is like a brick to help build the chapter. Brick by brick we can build up and only the sky is the limit. We need each of you to help us to reach the sky.
This publication acknowledges authority and yields allegiance to
DeMolay International, Order of DeMolay of which Frank S. Land
was the founder.